Meet The Bride


I'm Heather and I'm 26 years old. I have a bachelor's degree in French and I will graduate with my AAS for Physical Therapist Assistant in May of 2011. I play violin, and I love coffee, wine, and martinis, quality chats with friends, a good book, warm summer days, and watching the Golden Girls and Ghost Adventures on TV! 

Meet the Groom

This is Steve. He is 27 and in the military. He will graduate in May of 2012 with a double major in Accounting and Finance. He loves Pepsi, golf, Dave Matthews Band, watching ESPN, and the Green Bay Packers!

Meet Ava

This our daughter Ava. She is a very spunky 2-year-old! She will be 3.5 on our wedding day and will of course be our flower girl. She is the light of our lives. Her favorite things are Blue's Clues and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, coloring, playing outside, and making a big mess everywhere she can ;)

Our family